20 Best Tips

Being a Mom Changes You

Top of the Mountain

There was a time when heights weren’t an issue. Not frightening. Then a certain little boy with no sense of caution entered our household.

Being a mom changes you.

Issues that never seemed to matter before, suddenly do. Deep down, a passion for those things begins to bubble up and spill over. There is a new depth to emotions.

Being a mom changes you.

Responsibility settles in. Selfishness has to find another home, even though it is determined to take root.

Being a mom changes you.

Sometimes those changes aren’t comfortable. Unpleasant even. Especially when they involve shining a bright light on a glaring character issue within yourself. 

Being a mom changes you.

Joy is found in the simplest of everyday things. A smile. A snuggle. Laughter that spills over and overflows into every bit of your heart.

How has being a mom changed you?


Jolanthe Signature

Snippets of Doubt

While I often talk about what we do during our homeschool time – the fun, the silly, and the learning – there are many days and nights that I feel snippets of doubt creep into my heart. Even though it may seem to others that I am secure in who I am, I struggle along with many in questioning my abilities and allowing fear to hold me captive.

Stuggle and doubt in homeschooling

This most often happens in the wee hours of the night, when sleep eludes me, but things spoken by others come back to my mind. Questions plague me. And usually they aren’t encouraging.

Doubts that we aren’t doing enough academically. Belief that I am a poor mother. Feelings of inadequacy.

And the list goes on.

The dark of night and the surrounding silence makes those words seem much louder and somehow more true, even though they are not. It makes it difficult to distinguish them for what they really are – lies.

My heart races. My eyes blur with tears.

Then the fog in my mind begins to clear as a still, small voice quiets the words that are trying to choke out the truth of who I am as a wife, a mother, a teacher to my children, and a child of God.

Verses and songs come to mind and I quietly repeat them. Over and over again. Declaring TRUTH over the lies.

  • “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
  • “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
  • “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
  • “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2

Declare God's truth over lies

    What verses do you dwell on to speak truth into your life? Can you leave one today and encourage another today?


    Jolanthe Signature

    Your Encouragement Matters

    A few weeks ago I came across a post from Michael Hyatt called “A Tale of Two Coaches” that really applies to each of us as teachers and parents. While the topic isn’t anything earth-shattering, it was something that stuck with me {the window to the post has been open in my browser since I read it}.  It’s given me a lot to mull about over the last bit and consider in my approach to my children – and others for that matter.

    Hyatt tells of how his golf game was effected by two different friends that he played with. One was always an encouragement – his gentle, reassuring voice gave Hyatt the opportunity to play his best games, instilling confidence in him and his game.

    The other friend was an excellent golfer {even better than the first}, but rather than gentle encouragement, his mannerisms and actions belittled Michael, causing him to play at his worst.

    Your Encouragement Matters

    There are days when it can be so hard to find an encouraging word in the midst of the craziness. Days when biting words are on the tip of your tongue in response to bad attitudes and frustration.

    But our words matter to our kids.

    Your words matter

    We can gently encourage our children in an area they are struggling with or spew words that will cut and damage little hearts and stick with our children in the days to follow.

    While my goal is obviously to be an encouragement to our children in all I say and do, the reality is – well, reality. It doesn’t always come across that way and things come out of my mouth with a sharp intent. Words that I wish I could take back, but I can only offer an apology. Once our words are out – they aren’t easily forgotten.

    Rather than focusing on what our kids are doing wrong, we can focus and encourage what they are doing right. {Believe me, I know this can be hard sometimes}.

    Have you ever noticed a difference in your child’s demeanor when you encourage rather than focusing on the wrong? Shoulders lift. Faces smile. Hearts are softened.

    When grace and encouragement are given, it can make a world of difference. This obviously isn’t a new concept – but it has been something that I have been reminded of lately and thought someone else might need to hear it as well.

    Do you struggle with this area and holding your tongue at times? What ways have you found to specifically encourage your kids – even when it’s tough to do so?

    Jolanthe Signature

    Homeschool Classroom Video Tour

    When I initially shared that we were finishing off an area for our homeschool classroom a year and a half ago, I posted a short video clip of the ‘in progress’ work. Since then I’ve shared pictures of the room, but many of you have asked for a video tour. Sometimes pictures are helpful, but a video can really help give you a little more perspective.

    Each video will have short blurbs telling more about the pieces and there will be links at the end of this post as well. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments!

    Would you like a tour? This is the closest that I can give you to a personal visit right now, so grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and spend some time with me. We love our schoolroom and are glad that you are here for a visit.

    Come on in!

    Homeschool Room Tour {Part 1}


    Homeschool Room Tour {Part 2}


    Things You See in the Video {in order seen}:

    Note: Ikea keeps changing location on their links, but names are provided for the various items we are using.

    Other Helpful Posts

    Phew!! If you stuck around for it all – let me know if you have any questions!! Leave a comment and I’d be happy to answer you!


    I’m a Closet Crunchy

    Maybe you’re scratching your head wondering what that means, but here’s the basics – granola{ish}. Crunchy{ish}. Although I’m not quite claiming it, according to many of my friends I crossed that line some time ago, and I somehow am in denial{ish}.

    Yes, we have chickens. I grind wheat to make our own bread. I cook from scratch {mostly}. We used cloth diapers. Make kefir…and well, there are LOTS of other things too, but this week we dipped our toes into something even more crunchy.

    Young Living premium starter kit

    Essential oils.

    This is a whole new world for me, even though we have been trying to do things ‘naturally’ as much as possible. Fortunately, I have a fabulous friend, Jodi from Naturally His, that is nice enough to make videos explaining the various uses of different oils and talk me through things.

    And yes, I’ll be watching those videos carefully. I need all the help I can get.

    So Why Essential Oils Now?

    Natural remedies aren’t something new to us, but I have been wavering back and forth on taking the plunge into essential oils for some time. Truthfully, I was worried about how others might see me {as crunchy}, but apparently I crossed that line already, so we’re good {grins}.

    I’m excited since my hubby is VERY on board and has one oil in particular that he wants to try out – Thieves. He has had major issues with his sinuses for years and is constantly getting sinus infections.

    Personally, I am wanting to use the Peace & Calming for sleeping. For well over a year now, I’ve had a lot of trouble falling asleep and sleeping at night. During that time, I’ve had to use a sleep aid, and quite truthfully, I do not want to use it anymore. Instead of using that, I would prefer to use something natural and help my body get back into a groove. Migraines are another area that I have issues with and while some of that is diet related, essential oils can help with that issue as well.

    Find Out More

    Although our family is just using these personally, if any of you are interested in taking advantage of the oils that Young Living offers, you can sign up under me at any time.

    Updated: We’ve been using essential oils for five years now and I cannot tell you all how much they have made a difference in our home! I’d love to chat more with you if you have questions!

    If your family uses oils – what are the ones that you have found most helpful? Leave a comment today and let me know!



    We Need to Study Musical Instruments

    In the interest of being completely open and honest with you all, I’m sharing a little conversation that happened this past week. One that is so comical – and yet painful all rolled into one.

    The kids were talking about taking music lessons and what they wanted to do. Unfortunately for me, the girls want to take drum lessons {not gonna happen – I value my sanity}.

    Zachary overheard the girls talking and then announced that he wants to take music lessons as well.

    For the air guitar.

    I may have almost peed my pants trying not to laugh out loud at his request. Laurianna looked at him and then demonstrated how to play the air guitar.

    Apparently we need to have a little brush-up lesson on what is and is not a musical instrument, eh?


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