20 Best Tips

Merry Christmas (and spend time with your family)

There were grand plans in place for the last few weeks, and the bulk of them involved doing things with the family. Just relaxing.

And you know what – that has happened 100%. Although there were definitely more things that I wanted to do either together (and here on the blog), the blog has taken a back seat for a little bit and we have had a great time doing a whole lot of NOTHING.

It feels good. I highly recommend it.

kids enjoying trampoline

We wrapped up our homeschool time December 11th and decided to give the kids their Christmas present early – a trampoline. You all. It’s been bliss, I tell ya. Pure bliss. Both sets of grandparents went in on the gift with us, and aside from the fact that it has already paid for itself in energy output and the kids getting along…well, it’s been wonderful. We’re enjoying unseasonably warm weather, which has been amazing for jumping, but cold or warm, the kids are SO excited about this gift.


Our co-op had one last get together before the end of the year where we made blankets for kids at a local shelter. We’ve been making these blankets for the last several years and can I tell you what a blessing it is to see the kids work together and then pray over the blankets and for each of the kids who will be receiving them.


Baking (and eating the results) has also been up there on the list of things to enjoy. Ugly Christmas sweaters top on the list. The best thing about these sugar cookies? It doesn’t matter HOW the kids decorate them (which typically isn’t how they envisioned anyway), they are meant to look like a disaster. So much fun!


While I did have some blog stuff planned for this week, my hubby woke me up yesterday morning and told me to pack an overnight bag, surprising me with a trip to an historic hotel a bit away from us. Hotels themselves are nice, but when a hotel is older than our country – well, that just adds an extra special touch! The fact that my husband planned something special is equally as amazing. No computer. Just the two of us and a fun night away to spend time together and meander little shops in a small town.

So – all this to say, I hope that you all are also enjoying a time of relaxation and rest with your families over this Christmas. Put your feet up. Just BE in the moment with everyone and enjoy each moment as it comes.

See you next week and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Hugs from our home to yours!

Gluten Free Cookie Dough Ball Recipe

gluten free cookie dough ball recipe from Homeschool Creations

While they may not be the most stunning looking, let me tell you, these gluten free cookie dough balls didn’t last long once they made their appearance at a youth group Christmas party. Granted, we are talking about teens and their eating pretty much anything put in front of them, but the two I tried were delicious and we’ve only heard wonderful words about them. (And the teens didn’t care that the balls weren’t ‘dipped’ perfectly).

Although our family isn’t gluten free, we have several friends in our co-op and youth group that are, so we try to make snacks everyone can enjoy. Some gluten-free batters taste great in their cooked state, but let’s just say there are a few brands of mixes that are nasty in their raw form. After searching through a few recipes, I found a blend from this site and played with the measurements of the flours a bit to come up with a gluten-free dough that is very tasty when raw.

And people, cookie dough is one of those things that should be eaten raw every now and then!

Before you get all upset with me about using eggs with cookie dough, this recipe (either gluten-free or not) does not use any eggs and still tastes just as yummy since there is no baking involved. It’s a win-win for all!

Typically we use this gluten-free flour blend we have purchased at Costco in the past, but they don’t always carry it. We are blessed to have a well-stocked bulk food store that sells many of the flours we need in a discounted quantity and have also found them in the specialty area of our supermarket as well. I’ve included both the gluten free version and a non-gluten option in case you would like to make them as well.


Gluten Free Cookie Dough Ball Recipe

gluten free cookie dough balls dipped in chocolate - no egg version and so yummy

Makes 4 dozen balls (or sort-of ball shapes, depending on your patience)


  • 1.5 cups white rice flour
  • 1/2 cup tapioca flour (or tapioca starch)
  • 1/4 cup potato starch
  • (can use 2 1/4 cup flour in place of above if not gluten free)
  • 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
  • 3/4 cup brown sugar
  • 3/4 cup white sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 bag mini chocolate chips
  • 2 cups chocolate chips + 1tsp coconut oil (set aside)
  • Note: if you’d prefer to use a pre-mixed gluten free blend, we also recommend this one. You can also use a fancier chocolate for dipping for a ‘smoother’ look, but I’m not a food blogger and my kids don’t care.


  1. Mix rice flour, tapioca flour, and potato starch together in a small bowl.
  2. Cream together butter and sugars in a separate bowl. Add in vanilla and salt.
  3. Slowly mix in gluten free flour blend. You may need to use your hands at the end since it seems a little drier. It will stick together though.
  4. Mix in mini chocolate chips. From into 48 1” balls using a small cookie scoop and place on cookie sheet. Place in freezer for about 30 minutes to firm up.
  5. Using a double boiler, melt the 2 cups of chocolate chips with 1 tsp of coconut oil and when melted, dip each ball into the chocolate mix, setting on parchment paper when covered.
  6. Place back in freezer for about 30 minutes to firm up again. Remove from parchment paper and store in fridge to keep cool.
  7. Enjoy!

One of my friends whose son is gluten free HIGHLY recommends the book Cooking for Isaiah and the flour blends and recipes included in that book. Here are a few items that we use and love…

The Mind Battle of Being Present

One of the things that I’ve been trying to focus on during the month of December is being present. Not distracted by whatever it is that seems to be the most pressing need of the moment. Instead I want to slow it down. Focus on our family and really enjoy each moment we have together, especially in a season that tends to fill up quickly with parties, places to go, and things to do.

For me it can be such a huge mind battle. I see my running list of “to-do’s”, the many unfinished things that are towering over me, the never-ending pile of stuff, and often it makes me forget to savor the little moments.

baking with kids

In years past, a lot of time has been spent baking, but typically I’m the one who does most of it because (let’s face it), there’s less of a mess, it gets done more quickly (and the correct way the first time), and sometimes that’s just the way my brain puts it all together.

But do you know what ends up not happening in the process? Memories aren’t made. Years from now I don’t want to look back at all the missed opportunities and think, “Well, at least my kitchen was clean!”

So – this month there has been (an attempt at) a mental shift to slow down and enjoy the moments. Because I NEED THAT. My kids need that. That’s what this is really all about in the long run – not how much I manage to check off my list in a day (and who I manage to push aside in the process).

baking with Kaleb

Tonight I thought that I’d have a free night (as in a chance to tackle a few of those projects), and instead there was a certain 9 year old boy stuck to my side while his siblings were at swim practice. Part of me was tempted to plop him down, put Netflix on, and be done with it.

making ninja gingerbread men

Instead, the two of us made some fun memories while baking Ninja gingerbread cookies (aff link). There was mixing, rolling, decorating, tickling, laughing, and cookie eating. The two of us had some wonderful conversations (over Ninja cookies) and I even had a clean-up helper. Was the evening what I had envisioned earlier in the day? Not at all. It was even better.

being silly with our kids

This week is our last week of school for the year, giving us a chance to rest and do more together. Likely that will involve more baking (we have some ugly Christmas sweater cookies we need to make for sure!), playing games, read (or listen to audiobooks), having a few friends over, and just enjoy the time we have together.

How are YOU planning to be present with your family in the upcoming weeks? I know that I’m not alone in my struggle to shift my focus and would love to hear how you all are making memories together as a family!

Life Lessons from an 8 Year Old

Life lessons from an 8 year old - Homeschool Creations

Our 8 year old has been running around the house with his left arm in a cast. This same boy was immediately concerned about how breaking his arm would affect his swimming. (Side note: I am NOT a parent that would push him to participate and say he has to swim – it was all boy wonder asking!).

His main concern immediately after breaking his arm:  Could he still swim, even if he had a cast on?

The doctor was able to set us up with a waterproof cast and made sure he could bend his elbow, and aside from a little initial discomfort that was relieved by filing his cast, he was good to go. Over the past two weeks he has been attending practices, working hard, but a little discouraged since he has been at the back of the line. Swimming with a cast apparently isn’t easy. (Who knew?)

This past weekend we had another swim meet where he was given permission to compete – and the boy was THRILLED. Even more so when he placed first in all three of his events, taking time OFF his freestyle and getting his best time ever!!!

Yeah – there may have been some hollering over that one!!

And you know, it’s been at the front of my mind all week. How often do we get easily discouraged in a situation and think we’re stuck, can’t change, can’t do any better – and stop putting effort into something because the odds look like they are stacked against us?

I know I’m not alone in this one! Whether getting frustrated in an area of homeschooling, a part of parenting, pushing aside projects that are just too overwhelming because it isn’t one of my ‘strengths’ – well, it can be all too common in life to stop pushing and just give up.

What would happen if we still, despite our circumstances, choose to look at a situation in a different light? Push through the hurt and the obstacles in an attempt to overcome? Do even better than we imagined? Sometimes putting out the effort is hard, but we have to take that first step in order to get moving in the right direction.

How much would things change?

Funny how a simple little cast can shed light and expose areas in my own heart that needed a little prodding. All thanks to the arm of an 8 year old.

Is there an area of your life that you feel like you’ve given up or are discouraged? Can I give you an little encouragement today – keep trying. Take that first step – and know that I’m cheering you along (and myself too!).

Oh the FUN Weekend (Really, not Really)

This past weekend the kids had their first swim meet of the season. They’ve been looking forward to it for the last few months, especially in seeing their improvement since last year and the end of summer league. Competition is a little more intense at this level, but all of the kids have handled their attitudes well with the focus being improving their own times and strokes. Placing is great, but we really want them to focus on encouraging others and knowing they are doing their personal best in an area.

We left the house bright and early for a two hour car drive to the meet. Guess what – the sun doesn’t come up until close to 7am around these parts, so 5am is dark o’clock. (Side note: a few of my kids are WAY TO CHATTY for 4:45 am. For real.)

The boys started out the meet with their events. Swim. Sit. Repeat. Times were improved and all was well. Afternoon session the girls had their events and the boys headed outside to play for a bit. And then the fun really began.

Kaleb came in, sat down in front of us, and quietly began to cry. I noticed after a few minutes that something was wrong (he is our quiet sufferer). He held his arm and through silent sobs said his arm hurt.

buckle fracture xray

Hurt was really an understatement. While playing outside on some lovely chin up bars, he’d fallen onto his arm and fractured his radius (although we didn’t know that at the time). One of the parents from the competing team was also an orthopedic surgeon and after a quick look at his arm recommended a trip for x-rays.  We iced him up, supported his arm with a magazine and an impromptu sling made from his sweatshirt, and headed out.

Kaleb distracted by football

Fortunately there was a hospital about 5 minutes away, and we were able to hit the ER there (somehow our ER visits lately always happen while we’re out of town…).  Rick and I were texting each other with updates (he was in the waiting room with the older three and I stayed with Kaleb in the ER). When I pulled up the tv channels to distract Kaleb, he immediately picked Fox. I was confused why he would pick that, until he looked at me and said, “Mom, it’s Saturday afternoon – college football is on.” He is SO his daddy’s boy! But – the crying stopped and his focus was elsewhere (grins).

Kaleb with splint

X-rays did how a buckle fracture (small, but still there) of his radius, Two hours later we were on our way back home, all splinted up with the promise of a cast sometime this week. Not especially the way we wanted to spend the weekend, but on the bright side it wasn’t a serious break and it is his left arm so he’ll be able to do much for himself.

All in all, while a break isn’t ideal, we are truly amazed that in almost 15 years and 4 kids (especially with Zachary!!) this is the first bone break that we’ve had! Deep discussion has already taken place over various cast colors. Currently in the running are either green (because it’s his favorite color) or dark blue and white for the Cowboys. Gotta love that boy!

How was YOUR weekend!

If You Give a Mom a Week Off…

Last week was our first week break after six weeks of school. I had Grand Plans, you all. Grand. A list a mile long of things that were going to be accomplished.

Oh, how that list can mock me.

sick in bed

Monday morning dawned bright and early, and I snuggled for a little bit of extra sleep. Within fifteen minutes of waking up, a migraine started and day one was pretty well shot. And then Tuesday as well  when another migraine decided to join in the fun, after we had our high school co-op fortunately. A little accomplished, but not as much of a dent as hoped. Wednesday was touch and go, but I just felt off again – and little was accomplished.

apple picking with kids

The kids though? They managed to prove that they can get along for entire days without one unkind word, were sweet as can be, ACTUALLY HELPED EACH OTHER CLEAN THEIR ROOMS (including the massive Lego disaster of 2015), created an entire Harry Potter Lego Hogwarts (complete with a quidditch field) and played peacefully together.

That alone was pure bliss, you all, because there are days when two of the kids bickering can drive me to the brink of insanity and just about push me over the edge. (Just being real – and then some).

bushel of apples

Thursday my hubby stayed home so we could all go apple picking together. And then the baking started. Then I somehow got oven-happy and thought since my list was already shot, so why not make pumpkin snicker doodles, pumpkin spice cookie skillet, apple pie lasagna (it sounds weird, but is so yummy), and sausage dip.

making applesauce

Friday a friend and I (with the help of the kids), peeled, sliced, and cooked two bushels of Golden Delicious apples to freeze some yummy applesauce. Not nearly enough to keep us going for super long, but it really was so much cheaper than store-bought (and yummier too!). Sixteen quarts are stored for now.

Apparently we need to be back in school, because all the treats around are just not a good thing (grins).

high school course descriptions

Honestly, I need to remember that a break in general is a GOOD THING for the mom as well. The school room did get a deep clean, I caught up on high school class descriptions from last year (cough), and there were a few things marked off my overall list, but not nearly as much as my over-ambitious brain wanted to accomplish.

watercolor mess

Instead Laurianna and I spent an hour talking and working on watercolors together. The younger three spent a crazy amount of time explaining (in detail) their Lego creations. We baked together. Spent time with friends. Read and listened to books. We lived life and made the best of our time, even if it wasn’t following my list.

leaf watercolor

The list can wait. Living life in the moment – THAT is what it’s really all about, isn’t it?