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Love God and His Word ~10 Days of Teaching God’s Word

Welcome to the 10 Days of Teaching God’s Word series, sponsored by iHomeschool Network.  In all there are 28 bloggers participating, so be sure to look at the bottom of this post for a list of each one and her specific topic.


Here at Homeschool Creations, I’ll be looking at ways that we can teach God’s word to our children. Over the next 10 weekdays from April 16th – 27th, I’ll be sharing my thoughts, printables and other helpful resources that we’ve found as a family.

Impressing God’s Word on Our Children

Before you all get an idea in your head that our family has it all together and life is all sunshine and roses, let me just adjust your glasses and let you know that we are not. Every single one of us has our issues, we are far from perfect and have a plethora of room to grow and develop in our relationship with God.

When I was mulling over my topic for the 10 Days Series, the subject of Teaching God’s Word kept coming back to me over and over again. These verses from Deuteronomy 6:4-7 have been playing in my head daily over the last few weeks:

4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Impress them on your children. Talk about them…

What am I doing as a mom in the time that I have with my children each day to impress God’s word on their hearts? What are we doing as a family? What tools have been effective in helping them remember God’s word?

Leading By Example

The most influential thing in teaching our children is that of EXAMPLE. When we are modeling what it means to study God’s word and need His word, they will see what we are doing. As much as I love to tunnel myself away and find a space with complete peace and quiet, I have learned that it is equally important for my kids to see me spending time doing my devotions and reading God’s word.

I can tell my kids that they need to read their Bibles until I am blue in the face. If I am not modeling that behavior for them, it’s a bit pointless isn’t it? Children learn by example. Last year when I was reading through the Bible in 90 Days, my consistency in following the reading sparked a desire in one of our children to do the same {on a moderated schedule}.

When I am consistent in reading God’s word and in having a dedicated time each day, it not only changes my outlook on things, but it effects my children.  My children, better than anyone, know and see my shortcomings on a daily basis, so when I am fully relying on HIM and walking in His strength, it is most evident.

No More Excuses

There are so many things that I know I can do to incorporate God’s word and truth into our daily lives…and so many excuses that I’ve put together not to do those things ~ including putting aside a time for me to just be quiet before God each day.

What about you? Are you consistent in your quiet time? Do you notice a difference when you are consistent? Does your family? Leave a comment and share with us!

Over the next two weeks I’m planning on sharing various resources that have been a help to our family in teaching God’s word to our children {and even me!}. Today I want to leave you with this verse:

“Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine, and you cannot be fruitful apart from me.”

John 15:4

I hope you’ll come back tomorrow when I’ll be sharing some preschool helps for memorizing God’s word.

Other Posts in the 10 Days of Teaching God’s Word Series

The 10 Days Series is organized by iHomeschool Network, a collaboration of outstanding homeschool bloggers who connect with each other and with family-friendly companies in mutually beneficial projects. Visit us on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter. And of course, click the image below to visit all the 10 Days posts from these homeschool moms of the iHomeschool Network. You’ll be blessed with tips on how to handle bad days, cultivating curiosity, teaching with Legos, and much much more!


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