Now that we have our homeschool curriculum in place, we’ve started our new homeschool year. I am SO very thankful that we are getting back into a daily routine! While I love summer and the various things that we are able to be a part of each year, there’s something rather comforting in being back in a rhythm we are familiar with. {deep sigh}
Yes, we started back a bit earlier than usual, but we have one week off every six weeks and a few short trips planned to keep it fun during the year. Field trips are in the works, and we may have already taken one this past week that involved roller coasters.
Has your family started back to school yet?
A Solid Meal Plan
One thing that I am definitely looking forward to is a meal schedule that I can count on. No more nightly swim practices and meets or crazy {but fun} summer schedules that end up throwing all the plans out the window. Although we’ve had a rough meal plan in place the last few months, our monthly meal planner is always a HUGE help to me.
This week we sat down as a family, and everyone picked a favorite meal for me to make next month. After printing it out, our meal planner hangs up on the fridge – which THEN helps with the ‘What’s for dinner?” question that is asked approximately 1,569 times a day. Or maybe that’s just my kids. {grins}
Are you a fly-by-seat-of-your-pants meal planner or do you shop weekly/monthly to get it all done?
Some Sponsor Thanks for the Month
We SO appreciate the following companies – be sure to stop by their sites and check them out.

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Teach Them Diligently Conventions were created to encourage families in
discipleship, home education, and the mission of reaching the world with the
good news of Jesus Christ! We hope you’ll plan to join us in 2014!
Home Art Studio is a K-5 home art program for families that features projects designed to increase students’ love and appreciation of the visual arts. The Home Art Studio program will enhance a child’s ability to problem-solve, think creatively, and truly see the world around them. The art projects students will complete are designed to illustrate the elements and principles of art in an age-appropriate way.
Master Books is the world’s largest publisher of creation-based materials for all ages; including apologetics, homeschool curriculum and resources, reference titles, and quality children’s literature. Master Books has NEW Creation-inspired educational choices. Easy-to-use & students build a strong biblical worldview, while we’ve done all the prep work for you!
Snuggle up on the couch with your preschooler and the NEW beautifully illustrated book from Apologia, A Light for My Path. This book is based on Psalm 119 and is an alphabet book written to help children develop an abiding love and deep respect for God’s Word.
Maestro Classics features stories set to classical music for children and families. Award winning musicians and storytellers will entertain and captivate their audience, while teaching children about classical music. Don’t miss the free curriculum guides to go with the Maestro Classics CDs!
My Reading List
While I’ve managed to read quite a bit of fiction this past month thanks to a vacation and some night time reading, I haven’t put much of a dent in my non-fiction pile. Somehow I thought there would be more time with vacation this past month, but I forgot that we’d be camping with friends…which leads to talking and not reading.
At the moment I’m holding on to a technicality since I’ve read seven books already and my goal was twelve for the year. That breaks down to one a month, so I’ll call myself even right now and start digging in more this month.
Here’s the list of books on the list and the finished ones so far:
7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess by Jen Hatmaker {done}
Unglued by Lysa Tyrk {done}
Desperate by Sally Clarkson and Sarah Mae {done}
Just a Minute by Wes Stafford {done}
The Mom Walk by Sally Clarkson {done}
A Praying Life by Paul Miller {done}
The Five Love Languages of Children by Chapman and Campbell {done}
Give Them Grace by Else Fitzpatrick & Jessica Thompson {reading}
Beyond Ordinary by Justin & Trisha Davis {reading}
The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson
Everything by Mary DeMuth
Platform by Michael Hyatt
Reader’s Favorite Posts from July 2013