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Preschool Corner ~ Fun Coasting

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This past week we started weaning ourselves back into official school time, but my brain is truly overloading with the thought of selling our house and moving soon, so there were no official plans. Instead I filled Kaleb’s workboxes with a bunch of new toys, parts of our Grasshopper Preschool Kit, books to read, and some other fun toys.

The two biggies of the week that we had fun playing with were the Construct-It Early Builder set and our Education Cubes. I truly didn’t expect the reactions that I got from both of them. I figured Kaleb would be excited, but between the two of them, . :)


Kaleb built and built little projects, specifically airplanes, most of the time and had everyone in the house playing along with him too! We used the Education Cubes to identify numbers, letters and go on color hunts around our house ~ much fun!

That was pretty much the week around our house. What did you all do this week?

In the Workboxes This Week 

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  1. Very cool toys! Have a great weekend =)

  2. I am going to check out those construction toys right now. Joe would like them, but my Jack is obsessed with tools and “fixes” things all.day.long!

    I had no idea y’all were going to be selling and moving and I’m pretty sure I read your posts pretty well–did I miss something? Good luck with all of it from getting your home ready (I remember the painting) to the actual sell and move.

  3. I love that early builder set!

  4. Charlie Chaplin Jarosław says


  5. thanks for helping me out!

  6. oo that construct-it set looks like so much fun! Glad Kaleb had a fun week of learning and playing! Sometimes those are the best! We are trying to get back into the swing of things and it has been tough.. I can’t imagine adding moving into the list of up coming events!

  7. Moving is no easy chore ~ are you moving very far? Hope that all falls into place for y’all.

    Did the discus problem get solved?

  8. Hope everything works ou with the moving. I know the timing on things are tricky with selling and buying sometimes so here’s to a smooth process. The building set looks fun. I will have to look into that.

  9. Pam Mcnelly says

    We had an easy week this week as well!!

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