20 Best Tips

SOAP Printables for Studying Verses ~ Teaching God’s Word

SOAP printables

This post is a part of my 10 Day of Teaching God’s Word series.

About two years ago, Mom’s Toolbox introduced me to the SOAP method for studying Bible verses. S.O.A.P. is a way to help you stop and reflect on a verse or Bible passage that you are reading.

It’s really such a simple tool and one that is great for children to use as well!

What does S.O.A.P. stand for?

Scripture ~ Write the verse that is the focus.

Observation ~ Write down 1-2 observations from that Scripture passage. What do you hear God saying to you?

Application ~ How does the passage apply to you right now in your daily life?

Prayer ~ Write a prayer based on the passage.

I put together a SOAP printable for our girls to use when studying verses. There are two sheets to a page, along with the S.O.A.P. acronym in case kids need a little reminder for the sections.

SOAP Verse Printables for Kids

And really, adults can use them too! I just know that our kids like the helps and had to make it cute. Feel free to download a copy of the SOAP Printables for Studying Verses and share with your friends.

Other Posts in the 10 Days of Teaching God’s Word Series