20 Best Tips

Keeping in Real – The State of My Planning

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At this point in the summer, I’m usually putting the finishing touches on everything that needs to be done for the upcoming year: start and end dates, planned breaks and vacation time, weeks planned out.

Want to know where I am now?

I definitely want to take most of the month of December off. I’ve printed off the yearly planning calendar – but haven’t filled in one single date yet. Nada. Nothing.

I’m not sure I recognize myself.

This summer hasn’t seemed like much of a summer break at all. Last summer I learned (and yes, I mean LEARNED) what it means to really relax and unwind. That’s something that is really hard for me to do. Something happened last summer, and I wasn’t especially happy with it at the time, but essentially I figured out what it means to rest and be okay in the resting, not always doing.

But the last few months with time off haven’t felt restful. There has been travel and visits with family, but it’s been more of a rush and not so much of a time of relaxation. That break and down time from homeschool (or life in general) is so very important.

The need for rest

Sometimes I think that we forget that. We get so caught up in all we feel NEEDS to be done and the prep that we THINK is hanging over our heads, that the busyness of life overwhelms us – and we miss the rest we really need.

I’m just as guilty of this as the next person.  Although I do have a calendar printed off and much planning that needs to be done, I also know that I need to rest and enjoy the everyday moments. There will be plenty of time to get caught up in the planning soon enough.

For me that means a dedicated focus on doing nothing for a bit longer. Instead of stressing out over starting back up with school at the beginning of August, I’m going to remember that we HOMESCHOOL and can start whenever we’d like to, thank you very much. I’m giving myself permission to stop and take a break. Breathe a little.

Can I encourage you all to remember to take a break? That may mean planning a daily rest time into your day (they aren’t just for kids, and trust me, they help tremendously). Go to the pool with your kids. Read a book for yourself (do you remember the last time you did that?). Give yourself permission to start school a week (or two later).

Resting will only help you out in the long run. You’ll be a happier momma. A better teacher for your kids. Maybe a little more energized for your spouse (wink). Creative juices flow so much more easily when there isn’t overwhelming stress.

Are you feeling the need to breathe and rest a little too? What tips do you have for moms in the midst of needing that break?

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10 great tips for people who are teaching a struggling learner


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  1. Samantha says

    My dear friend says, “It’s hard to be a tortoise when you’re a hare.” Thank you for your quote, picture, and post! My soul needed to be reminded of this today! If the “list” isn’t finished, ordered, discussed… It can wait. We are all needing peace and rest after today… And time to breathe, be together, hug, and pray. Thank you again for posting this… And reminding me that it’s our community that holds us up. Friends!

  2. I’m right there with you!

  3. Glad I’m not the only one… I’ve jotted down some notes, and that’s all.

  4. Corrie Sandefer says

    Yes! I’ve decided that we are starting school 2 weeks later so that we can have a break from all the summer activities! I always thing summer should be so restful, but it really isn’t. It makes me long for January. There is no garden and around here – too much snow for anyone to venture out. Oh January, I miss you. :o)

  5. Your timing (or is it God’s) for this post is perfect. I’m sitting down today to start mapping out our year, and I’m feeling some stress. I’ve got a class that I’m taking that I need to work on as well…and I’m freaking out a little. Thank you for the reminder to refresh and take care of myself so that I can be the best teacher and mom.

  6. “I’m not sure I recognize myself.”

    I really don’t. Coming off of a hard year last year, and I was proud of myself for getting the basics done plus keeping them in some outside classes for pottery and Taekwondo.

    I am tired. I am not able to take a break (yet). But I need to consider your words in this post.

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