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A Long Overdue Life Update (Hello 2024!)

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It’s been awhile, hasn’t it? There are so many moments that I mentally make a note to write a quick post, but it never seems to materialize (and truthfully, there’s so much to tell, that it seems overwhelming at the same time!).

So instead, we’ll take the abbreviated version, but still give an update, shall we?

Many of you have been long time followers of our blog, watched our family grow up online, and as we are getting near the end of our own family’s homeschool journey, it’s often harder to share the day-to-day (because our youngest two are teen boys and there’s a fine line in oversharing). :)

Here’s the bullet point summary of what’s happening in/around our house, because 2023 brought so many changes!

Laurianna and her husband Ian moved back to our area early in the year and in April we welcomed our first grandchild, Judah. He has truly been the sweetest addition to our family, and becoming an Oma is the craziest and most amazing blessing. Our family group text thread is honestly a massive compilation of daily pictures of the cutest baby and milestones he is achieving (is there anything better?).

McKenna took a brief break after her graduation in 2021 to work and focus in on what she might want to study (nursing). In January 2023 she began working toward her degree and has proven herself to be an absolutely amazing student (despite all her doubts), excelling in her coursework. Her goal is a BSN and almost all of her pre-requisites are now out of the way, so she’ll jump into the nursing program in the fall of 2024.

Zachary graduated high school in May, and in December he officially completed his first semester at Bridgewater College, where he is also swimming for their men’s team, breaking school records, and settling into college life. We missed him over the holidays as he jumped on a plane and spent over two weeks in Prague with friends, revisiting an area where he spent time over the summer.

Kaleb is a junior in high school, swimming with our year-round team, and more recently our last official driver in the family. He is officially taller than me, and it’s very strange to know that in just a year and a half our homeschool journey will wrap up with his graduation.

While I haven’t been especially active (at all) with the blog, Facebook, or Instagram, at the personal level, I have been otherwise busy working for our year-round swim team in addition to homeschooling Kaleb. Swimming has been such a big part of our family’s life and sharing that love with other families is honestly a joy (plus I get to know some amazing families and people along the way). In addition to working part time, I’m teaching a literature class (small co-op setting) and trying to fit all of life in, because if there’s anything turning 50 and having the sweetest grandson will do – it’s make you want to enjoy each moment of life to the fullest.

I hope you all have been well! Thank you SO MUCH for those who have been readers through the year and allowing me to share a quick update via your inbox!

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  1. I was a little perplexed receiving your email….and then it hit me, “WOW! I followed this blog for years!!!” I was pleasantly surprised to read your family’s update. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of what’s going on. May the Lord bless your family mightily and may it continue to grow.

  2. Jennifer G. says

    Thank you so much for the update, Jolanthe! Yes, after following your homeschooling journey for so many years, it is wonderful to find out how your family is changing and growing. How blessed you are! Beautiful family!

  3. I really enjoyed reading your update. I was one of those long time followers. It’s fun to see how our families grow and change over the years.

  4. Michelle (Eichhorn) Moody says

    It’s so wonderful to “see” you and hear about all the wonderful happenings with your family. Congratulations on becoming an Oma!

  5. Jolanthe, thank you for the update. I always check back, and it was nice to read the accomplishments of your children and how your family has grown. Congratulations! I am the crazy mom who stalked you and Carisa when you spoke at TTD-Nashville many years ago (we both have Kalebs). You were my homeschool guide and inspiration.

  6. Congratulations on your growing family! I dropped in to look for material for my preschooler, and I was so surprised to see this update from you, one of my original guides to homeschooling! You offered so much support to this newbie mom over the years, without even knowing it. I am now graduating my oldest this year, and I am so thankful for this gift of homeschooling and individuals like yourself who put themselves out there to help others. Thank you for keeping this site up over the years with all of its wealth of knowledge and material.

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